(Tuam Tshoj) YY0001C Tensile Elastic Recovery Tester (woven ASTM D2594)

Lus piav qhia luv luv:

Product Detail

Khoom cim npe

Daim ntawv thov

Siv los ntsuas elongation thiab kev loj hlob ntawm cov khoom uas tsis muaj stretch knitted fabrics.

Lub rooj sib tham Standard

ASTM D 2594; ASTM D3107, ASTM D2906; ASTM D 4849 Cov Lus Qhia Tshwj Xeeb

Technical Parameters

1. Composition: ib txheej ruaj elongation bracket thiab ib txheej ntawm taag load suspension hanger
2. Number of hanger rods: 18
3. Hanger pas nrig thiab txuas pas nrig ntev: 130mm
4. Tus naj npawb ntawm cov qauv kuaj ntawm qhov elongation ruaj khov: 9
5. Hanger pas nrig: 450mm 4
6. Tension nyhav: 5Lb, 10Lb txhua
7. Qauv loj: 125 × 500mm (L × W)
8. Qhov ntev: 1800 × 250 × 1350mm (L × W × H)

Configuration List

1. Host---1 Teeb
2.Number of hanger rods--18 Pcs
3.Txoj hlua 450mm----- 4 Pcs
4. Nyhav Nyhav:
5 Lb--- 1 Pcs
10 Lb--- 1 Pcs

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