Pl15 Lab Hniav tshuaj ntsuam yog cov ntsuas hluav taws xob siv lub sam thiaj tsis raug ua kom haum rau cov kev ua tiav kom haum rau cov kua txiv kom tsis txhob ua kua. Lub tshuab no yog qhov loj me rau 270 × 320 lub phaj-hom kev co lub ntsej muag, siv cov qauv ntawm Lamina txaj muag, nws yog qhov sib txawv ntawm cov txiv Lamrations Lub tshuab nqus dej ua haujlwm, nqa ntawm Kev Ntsuam Xyuas Cov Ntawv SCP Textile Fiber ntau. Ib txhij no lub tshuab no kuj tseem tuaj yeem noj cov sieves lub ntsuas tusyees. Tsis muaj.
Lub Pl15 zaus kev sib tw hom Cib Cib Ciaj yog siv lub ntsej muag LEDGLE, yog li ua rau lub purp ntau zaus, yog tus tsim nyog pulp los ntawm sieves lub Seam, cov ntaub ntawv tsis tsim nyog siv thiab cov dregs cov khoom siv khaws cia ntawm Lamina Cribrosa.
The volume is small, vibrational frequency adjustable, the lamina cribrosa disassemblage is simple, the ease of operation, may act according to the pulp choice different frequency, achieves the desired effect, provides the most reliable empirical datum for the production.
1.Qhov chaw: 54200mm2
2.Screen Lub thawv ntau thiab tsawg: 311mm * 292 hli
3.Factory sab cib-phaj slot specifications: 0.25mm
4. Kev Siv Hluav Taws Xob: 400-3000 zaug ib feeb
5.Pulp lub tog raj kheej loj (ntev × dav × siab): 320mm * 270mm * 300 hli
6.electric moto zog: 750W
7.Machine ntawm decelerate ceev: 200 ~ 1000R / min
8.outer Doovtions: 1100mm (ntev) * 360mm (dav) * 880mm (Siab)
9.source: Dej Nruam